Razor burn, with its itchy red bumps and irritating ingrown hairs, may be the bane of our summer existence. Heaven forbid you get a razor nick on your ankle when you’re in the shower – you’ll be cringing in pain every time you step into the ocean or the pool for the next few days. Not to mention those narrow, high-cut, swimsuits have been making a huge comeback – which makes bikini line maintenance a priority.
That’s where laser hair removal comes in. Marilena Smertcov, one of Ideal Image’s Medical Provider Trainers, loves LHR because it saves hours that shaving and grooming used to take up. And who has the time to give up for shaving?
We break down the need-to-know for getting laser hair removal in your bikini region. You’ll be so glad you did!
It will take a few sessions to see results
Just like getting laser hair removal on your underarms, it will take a few sessions to see long-term results if you get this procedure on your bikini line. Just make sure you stay away from waxing before your first appointment. The treatment provider will use a laser to target hair follicles – and waxing temporarily removes them. According to Brides magazine, you should stop waxing two to three weeks before getting laser hair removal.
Once you step in for your first appointment, you can expect each session to run about 20 minutes. You’ll need to come back every 8 to 10 weeks or so for follow up appointments. Just think of all the money you’ll save from not buying razors.

There’s nothing to be nervous about!
“Some people are intimidated of the treatment,” Smertcov explained. “It’s natural to feel slightly intimidated by the lasers, but once we explain the whole process our guests becomes more excited than intimidated and ready to start their treatments.”
Other laser hair removal candidates say it feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin.
Be sure to speak up if there is any discomfort, Smertcov insisted. Many facilities have a cooling gel on hand to soothe the treated area. Communication is essential for the best experience possible! Modesty is also taken into consideration. Smertcov says guests are mostly covered with a large drape while treatment providers discreetly work by uncovering a small area at a time.
Ideal Image is known for providing outstanding results when it comes to laser hair removal. You can feel confident if you’re rocking a killer swimsuit. Start your laser hair removal process now and you’ll be ready all summer long. Schedule a free consultation to learn more!