Laser Hair Removal FAQ
Read through our most common Laser Hair Removal FAQs below.

How much does Laser Hair Removal cost?

  • The cost of Laser Hair Removal is different for everyone. Our consultants will work with you to personalize a treatment plan that fits your needs. Everyone’s a little bit different. And so is their hair. We can remove hair from almost any area of the body, but it's important to come into our location for a complimentary consultation and discuss exactly what your needs are.

Who can get Laser Hair Removal?

  • Think about how sunlight is attracted to darker clothing. That’s kind of how our lasers work. The laser’s energy is attracted to the pigment of the hair. Which means Laser Hair Removal works best on skin with a fair complexion and dark, coarse hair. Ideal Image, however, offers a variety of laser types to treat a variety of skin types and complexions, including those with darker skin tones. So anyone can see great results.

What hair color does Laser Hair Removal most effectively remove?

  • Dark hair is most effectively treated, while red, blonde, and gray hair are generally more difficult to target with Laser Hair Removal. During the initial consultation, your skin type, hair color and skin sensitivity will help us determine a personalized treatment plan to ensure beautiful, smooth results that you'll love.

What are the most popular areas for Laser Hair Removal?

  • One of the most common Laser Hair Removal FAQs comes from customers wanting to know about where on the body they should get laser hair removal treatment.
    The most popular areas for women are the face and bikini line. For men, the back is the most popular.

How long has Ideal Image been in existence?

  • The very first Tampa location opened in September 2001. Ideal Image now has locations all over the United States and we've performed over six million Laser Hair Removal treatments.

How long has laser technology been in use?

  • The laser was first used in the medical field in 1961, nearly fifty years ago. Laser Hair Removal began about fifteen years ago, but it has advanced significantly in the past ten years.

How is Laser Hair Removal different from electrolysis hair removal?

  • Laser Hair Removal is much faster than electrolysis. Electrolysis hair removal requires more time because it only treats one hair at a time, while Laser Hair Removal treats many hairs with every laser pulse. With Laser Hair Removal, for example, a small area like the underarms can be treated in only twenty minutes.

Is the Alexandrite laser the best choice for my skin and hair?

  • The Alexandrite laser is considered to be the gold standard laser by many in the field of Laser Hair Removal. This is especially true for those with lighter skin types. However, if your skin is darkly pigmented, you will get the best results with a laser specifically designed for your skin type — like the YAG laser. Ideal Image uses both in every one of our locations.

What are the risks of Laser Hair Removal?

  • Although this is a common Laser Hair Removal FAQ, the risks of Laser Hair Removal are very low, as the lasers are designed to remove hair quickly and efficiently. It’s a lunchtime procedure with no recovery time. As with every procedure, our staff walks each guest through a detailed consent form that explains all the possible risks.

How old do you have to be for Laser Hair Removal?

  • A common Laser Hair Removal FAQ we hear from clients is about age and treatment. We do not treat children under the age of 13. And, we often advise older clients with gray hair that it will most likely not respond well to a laser.

LASER stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Should I be worried about 'radiation' to my skin?

  • No. There are two basic types of radiation, (1) Non-ionizing radiation, and (2) Ionizing radiation. Hair removal lasers produce "non-ionizing" radiation, which is simply the radiation of light and is FDA-cleared for your skin. Ionizing radiation which represents x-rays, ultraviolet and nuclear radiation is a completely different type of radiation and is not produced by hair removal lasers.

Is there a cream I can put on my face to make the hair go away?

  • Vaniqa is a topical medication approved by the FDA for facial hair. Vaniqa can help slow the hair growth for many that suffer from unwanted facial hair, but not for everyone. Using Vaniqa as a treatment for unwanted facial hair is expensive, and you must apply it twice a day. If it works, you must continue to use it or the facial hair will return.

Are home laser hair removal devices difficult to use?

  • No. Home laser hair removal gadgets such as the TRIA laser or Silk'n home hair removal systems are, by necessity, low-powered devices made for home use for those with the correct skin tone and with no formal training or previous laser hair removal experience.

Will using a TRIA hair removal home device save you time?

  • No. When using home Laser Hair Removal systems like the TRIA home laser device, it will take a considerable amount of time. This is because the TRIA home hair removal device uses a smaller treatment head than those on professional machines like the GentleLASE© or GentleYAG©. Another reason is because professional lasers are powered by 220V, whereas systems like the TRIA run on a small battery.

What type of results can you expect when using a Laser Hair Removal home device?

  • One of the highest trending Laser Hair Removal FAQ is about LHR devices. A study of an FDA-approved Silk'n Laser Hair Removal home device was published by Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, a leading scientific laser journal. The ten people in the study had four to six treatments. The results demonstrated an average of 36% hair reduction four weeks after the last treatment. However, twelve weeks later the hair had mostly returned, and the amount lost was not considered statistically significant. In fact, four of the ten had a higher hair count after twelve weeks than when they started. For results that will last, consider a professional Laser Hair Removal provider like Ideal Image.

What kind of treatment results can be expected from a handheld, home hair removal device compared to getting Laser Hair Removal at Ideal Image?

  • By necessity, home hair removal devices are low-powered devices that are designed to be safe for non-medical users with no formal training. These hand-held, battery-powered units require frequent recharging and cost several hundred dollars. Our professional lasers, on the other hand, offer specific wavelengths for both light skin and dark skin and must be operated by specially trained medical professionals. Our devices weigh over 80 pounds and are high powered, so they can be fast and effective.

What kind of laser does Ideal Image use?

  • Every Ideal Image location has two types of FDA-cleared lasers. Our over 15 years of experience in Laser Hair Removal has shown that no one laser can accommodate all skin types and colors. Dark skin types require a specific YAG laser to be safe and effective. For lighter skin types, Ideal Image uses the Alexandrite laser, which is considered the gold standard in Laser Hair Removal.

Who performs the Laser Hair Removal procedure?

  • All Laser Hair Removal treatments are performed by one of Ideal Image's well-trained medical professionals. Our registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants are extensively trained before performing our treatments. Additionally, a licensed medical doctor serves as a medical director for each individual location.

What experience does Ideal Image have with Laser Hair Removal?

  • Ideal Image opened its first location in September of 2001 and quickly became the pioneers in Laser Hair Removal. In the almost two decades since then, we have performed over six million Laser Hair Removal treatments. When it comes to Laser Hair Removal, we are the nation's industry leader. Ideal Image is the only national Laser Hair Removal company with a fully operational Laser Hair Removal training location. We are committed to providing the best practices for Laser Hair Removal and making sure every treatment is both safe and reliable.

What types of hair color and skin tone can be treated with Laser Hair Removal?

  • While Laser Hair Removal can be performed on virtually any skin color and hair type, hair color is the most important factor. The light emitted from the laser is attracted to the melanin, or dark pigment, in the hair follicle. This means that dark hair is treated most effectively. Treatments performed on red, blonde, and gray hair are not generally as effective, but our multiple laser modalities at each Ideal Image location allow us great versatility for accommodating the wide variance in hair and skin color.

Will Laser Hair Removal for dark skin require more treatments?

  • Several factors determine how many laser hair removal treatments you’ll need—from your hair type and thickness to the size of your treatment area. Your skin tone may influence your total number of treatments, but one complexion doesn’t require more or less treatment than another. Rather, your number of treatments will rely on how effectively your individual skin type reacts to laser technology.

Is Laser Hair Removal for dark skin tones more expensive?

  • Pricing for laser hair removal is not dependent on skin tones. At Ideal Image, each service we offer is customized to fit your unique needs. During your free consultation, one of our Skin, Face & Body Specialists will assess your hair type, skin type, and treatment area to determine how many laser hair removal treatments you’ll need and what you can expect as an all-in price.

How does Ideal Image ensure Laser Hair Removal for dark skin is safe?

  • Ideal Image has nearly 20 years of experience as America’s Number One Choice for laser hair removal — a feat we achieved by successfully helping individuals of all skin tones look and feel their best. During your free consultation, our licensed Medical Professionals take into account your skin tone, ethnicity, and match on the Fitzpatrick scale, to determine which laser and how many treatments you’ll need to safely see results. Modern lasers, including the GentleYAG© laser, have been specifically designed to safely and effectively remove hair from dark skin tones.

What is offered with a Lifetime Guarantee?

  • Ideal Image offers a Lifetime Guarantee on all of our laser hair removal services. One of our guest consultants will discuss all the details with you during your complimentary consultation.

Why is our complimentary consultation important?

  • Coming in for a complimentary Ideal Image consultation is the most important step towards solving your unwanted hair problem. Together, we’ll determine if you're an appropriate candidate for successful treatment. Additionally, you will learn how Laser Hair Removal works and how much it costs. Our consultants have been asked every question imaginable and are committed to handling all your concerns. Your personal information and case details will be regarded in strict confidence.

*Results may vary from individual to individual.