Wearing makeup is a great way to express yourself, enhance your complexion and cover up those pesky pimples you can’t seem to shake. However, sometimes taking a break from the concealer isn’t a bad idea. In fact, cosmetic dermatologist Karen Hammerman told Women’s Health magazine that skipping your morning makeup routine every once in a while can really benefit your complexion.
“Taking a break allows the skin to replenish its natural moisture level without having layers of makeup occluding it,” said Hammerman, “It also allows the skin to expel any makeup residue that has been left on the skin.”
If you feel like your skin could use a little rejuvenation, don’t hesitate any longer. Here are five reasons – and a little more advice – you should consider about taking a break from makeup every week.
1. It can replenish your skin tone
Did you know taking just two days a week off from wearing makeup can make a difference? According to the information skincare extraordinaire Lena Sgambati shared with StyleCaster, by ceasing to apply makeup for that short amount of time, you can help enhance the overall color and tone of your skin. Foundations can clog your pores, which can dehydrate your skin and take away from its natural hue. So give your skin a little break to rejuvenate.
2. It can help your skin breathe
Face makeup can congest your skin and block the oxygen from going in and out of your pores, according to StyleCaster, so it might be in your best interest to give your complexion a break. Consider making Sunday’s your day to relax your mind, body and skin. You’ve had a long week, and so has your skin – so you both deserve the chance to replenish.

3. It can strengthen your lashes
Unfortunately, applying too much mascara can actually lead to thinner-looking lashes. Skin care product engineer Annie Tevelin told StyleCaster that taking a break from mascara can actually strengthen your lashes because of the lack of product buildup and the reduced irritation that comes with applying and removing mascara on a daily basis.
4. It’ll save you money
Have you ever kept track of how much money you’re putting toward makeup? InStyle magazine reported that women actually spend an average of $15,000 on makeup in their lifetime. By taking a break throughout the week, your makeup may last you a bit longer than before, which will ultimately keep you and your wallet happy.
“Women spend about two years of their lives applying makeup.”
5. … And it’ll save you time
Do you often find yourself running out the door in the morning with little to no time to spare? By taking a break from makeup, you can eliminate the time spent applying your face and replace it with something more exciting – maybe catching extra z’s, relaxing on the couch or working harder at the gym in the morning. According to a recent survey reported about in Daily Mail UK, women spend about two years of their lives applying makeup. If you’re interesting in saving a few years’ worth of time, you may want to consider skipping that beauty regimen.
A long break isn’t always necessary
If you just can’t convince yourself to leave the house without makeup, don’t worry – a long break isn’t always the only option to repair your skin. Hammerman explained to Women’s magazine that taking a two-day break isn’t always necessary.
“Properly cleansing the skin before bedtime allows a full night of makeup-free skin, which is a good break,” she said.
She went on to recommend that you should cleanse twice – first to remove your makeup and then a second time to give your complexion a deeper cleanse.
If the makeup breaks aren’t enough
If you’ve taken the time to give your skin a break from makeup, but you’re still not seeing any improvements in your complexion, consider BBL™ BroadBand Light therapy. It’s an FDA-approved option for restoring your skin back to its natural beauty. Learn more about BBL™ by scheduling a free consultation today.